Turnover Tenancy Agreement (TTA)

Tired of the traditional pub lease? Our Turnover Tenancy offers a more flexible and rewarding way to run your own pub.

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Instead of a fixed monthly rent, you'll pay a base rent plus a percentage of your net turnover. The best part? We've capped the turnover percentage at a level that reflects our expectations for the business. So, if your pub exceeds those expectations, you'll keep all the extra profit and pay no additional turnover rent for those sales. If your sales do not achieve those expectations, for whatever reason, your turnover rent reduces accordingly through your ability to apply for rebates in such circumstances.

Key Features include:

  • A fixed term of 5 years without any landlord break option

  • A capped Turnover Rent: Turnover Rent only applies to turnover achieved up to our assessed FMT level - anything over does not attract a turnover rent amount.

  • Greater flexibility with the tie - we have tie release options across wines, FABs, spirits and minerals in return for a tie fee release. This also provides business certainty regarding the costs involved in the event of full tie release

  • Freedom to choose to take advantage of the machines opportunity (if you want to) and retain a share of potential income.

  • Peace of mind with property repairs - Stonegate looks after all structural repairs, you just keep the rest up to scratch

  • Low-cost-in-goings, with 3 month's deposit required, subject to the minimum £2000 requirement

  • Flexible credit terms, weekly billing and the ability to spread costs such as buildings insurance

  • Access to a suite of dedicated training solutions (developed with insight from our successful managed house estate) to support you in running your own business

Turnover Tenancy Agreement Heads of Terms

Information for Applicants