Welcome the Turing Tap to the Craft Union Family!

Welcome the Turing Tap to the Craft Union Family!

We have another amazing Craft Union pub open and trading! The latest pub to join Craft Union is the Turing Tap, located in the heart of Manchester.

A Storied Location in a City Steeped in History

The Turing Tap was originally built as a Hogshead ale house before transforming into its current form in late 2016. Nestled in Manchester, a city brimming with history and innovation, The Turing Tap is perfectly placed to become a vibrant community hub. Manchester boasts a population of over 552,000 (as of the 2021 census) and is known throughout the world as the birthplace of the industrial revolution. This city's rich heritage in science, politics, music, arts, and sports makes it the ideal location for one of our Craft Union pubs.


Introducing Shannon & Ryan, Your New Hosts

Get ready for a warm welcome at The Turing Tap, because Shannon & Ryan, our fantastic new Operators, are passionate about creating a welcoming space for everyone. Shannon, in particular, brings a wealth of experience to the table, having practically grown up in pubs. From a young age, she's been learning the tricks of the trade, and we know she'll feel right at home in this fabulous new investment. At just 18, Shannon successfully ran her own pub, Last Orders in Barrow. She then joined the Craft Union family in November 2018 to run the Old Original Bay House in Horwich. Both Shannon and Ryan are thrilled to take on The Turing Tap, especially with the exciting prospect of becoming a student hub – Student Thursdays starting at 6pm anyone? The entire Craft Union team is eager to see all the plans Shannon & Ryan have in store for activities and entertainment at The Turing Tap.


The Turing Tap Gets a Craft Union Refresh

Craft Union has invested heavily in ensuring The Turing Tap reflects our brand identity, while maintaining its existing charm.

  • Three Floors of Fun - The Turing Tap's three floors offer a great layout for socializing. The existing interior was already in fantastic shape, so our team focused on minor enhancements to ensure a great first impression for all customers. This included removing some outdated food messaging to create a cleaner and more inviting atmosphere.

  • Tech Upgrades for a Seamless Experience - The Turing Tap now boasts the Craft Union EPOS till system, ensuring a smooth and efficient customer experience. Additionally, all AV & TV systems have been reviewed and upgraded in anticipation of the upcoming Euros – so get ready to cheer on your team in style!

  • A Refresh on Refreshments - The draught selection at The Turing Tap has been updated to reflect the Craft Union dispense line-up, offering a wider range of beers to suit all tastes and budgets – perfect for enjoying all day, every day.

  • The Competition - The Turing Tap sits comfortably within the 'High Street Mainstream' market segment, alongside competitors like The Ford Madox Brown (JDW), Footage (SG-SPK), and Paramount (JDW). With competitive pricing on core products like Carlsberg, John Smith's, and Strongbow, Shannon and her team are well-positioned to drive volume, grow market share, and become a favourite among Manchester locals.

Could this be you?

The Turing Tap is just one example of the success stories that can be achieved with Craft Union. Are you passionate about pubs and bringing people together? Do you dream of running your community hub? If so, then Craft could be the perfect opportunity for you! Reach out to us to find out more about running your own pub with Craft Union.